OPE - translation to English
Online Dictionary

OPE - translation to English

OPE (disambiguation)

takeover bid where bidder offers shares in his company in exchange for shares in target company
lieu étroit      
n. coop
professional worker


v. a., v. n.
(Poetical.) Open.



OPE or Ope may refer to:

  • Camp Opemikon
  • Operator product expansion
  • One Photon Excitation, see also Nonlinear optics
  • Ope, a locality in Jämtland County, Sweden
  • Street name for opium
  • Ope Pasquet (born 1956), Uruguayan politician and lawyer
  • Ope Peleseuma (born 1992), New Zealand rugby union footballer
  • Operational Preparation of the Environment, US and Russian Intelligence strategic planning technique
Pronunciation examples for OPE
1. ope as well.
Spirals in Time _ Helen Scales _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of OPE
1. Lancement d‘une OPE en décembre IsoTis lance une offre publique d‘échange (OPE) ŕ travers sa nouvelle société IsoTis Inc. pour assurer sa cotation au Nasdaq.
2. BBVA a aussi annoncé le maintient de son OPE après l‘annonce de l‘Italien.
3. Celle–ci a jugé que l‘offre publique d‘échange (OPE) restreignait de mani';re inadmissible le droit de sortie des actionnaires minoritaires, comme le milanais AEM.
4. Selon l‘offre publique d‘échange (OPE) lancée par Sequana, une action SGS sera remise contre 31 actions Sequana dans la limite de 54,3% du capital de ce dernier.
5. Au lendemain de l‘ouverture de son offre, Mittal a pris le marché par surprise vendredi dernier en relevant son OPA–OPE sur Arcelor ŕ quelque 23 milliards d‘euros.